

An alcohol-free twist on the classic Paloma cocktail, salut!

Alcohol-free 0.0%ABV


- 50ml | 2oz Ceder’s Classic*
- 20ml | 0.6oz fresh lime juice
- 20ml | 0.6oz pink grapefruit juice
- 20ml | 0.6oz honey water with rosemary, rose & grapefruit
- pinch of salt
- Top up with Two Keys Grapefruit Soda*


Rosemary & grapefruit slice

Rocks glass

Combine all ingredients in a shaker except the Grapefruit & Lemon Verbena Soda, shake and pour over ice in rocks glass. Top up with London Essence crafted soda, stir to combine the ingredients, garnish et voila!

Raise your glass and say santé!

Home-Made Ingredients

Honey Water:
Honey water is a great way to balance your cocktail without adding anything nasty or making it too sweet.

  1. Pick a good quality of honey ideally something from your local farmers. Did you know that eating honey that has been made in your area can help with allergies like hay fever as the bees have pollinated flowers you are in contact with?

  2. Equal parts honey and hot water.

  3. Stir until you melt the honey.

  4. Add a few drops of Rose and Rosemary Spice Drops. As well as 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

  5. Keep the honey water in the fridge (it will last a week.)

Notes & Favourite Flavours

Ceder’s Classic* is a non-alcoholic distilled spirit with familiar flavours of juniper, coriander & geranium. The exotic South African botanicals- found only in the Cederberg Mountains of the Western Cape- are blended with pristine Swedish water.

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