How to: Unplan a Hangover!
Moderation in practice
Mindful Cocktail: Café Soireé
Hands up who in the room has ever scheduled a hangover? Cancelled plans because of one… ruined a day off… or brought less than your 110% in to work. Like, actually, wrote in your diary: Saturday- feel crap, do very little. Hmm, sounds like a plan; I’ll transfer that one from pencil to fountain pen? 😂
Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule (alcohol is a complicated substance and for help and support with alcoholism, visit; but for the majority of us Healthy Hedonists, those drinks we regret- the ones where you pinpoint the moment you wish you’d “called it a night” or, better, switched to something delicious & alcohol-free… are consumed in a moment that probably wasn’t mindful, or even fun. Perhaps you allowed someone else’s drinking pace to lead you, there was peer pressure to ‘join the crowd’ or you got caught up in the moment and forgot to check in? Whatever the reason- and waking up with a hangover is certainly not something to shame yourself or anyone else for- we would bet our favourite shaker no one has ever woken up the morning after and thought “I’m so happy and grateful to feel like this.”
Enter… our guide to mindful drinking on a night out, in the wild! La Maison Wellness’ tried and tested (you’re welcome!) measures to guarantee what may have previously seemed impossible: an epic night and an early morning, where you still feel 100% your fabulous self!
Check in before ordering.
A good way to give yourself the space to do so, without having to deal with a waiter boomeranging back to your table every 5 seconds asking if “you’re ready”, is to start alcohol-free and during that first drink: assess whether you want to drink alcohol or not tonight, and what your body is truly craving.
You may have read our previous post about the importance of hydrating (if not- check it out!) If so, you’ll know that dehydration often disguises itself as a craving for something sweet, leading you to perhaps select a cocktail where you are less likely to be conscious of/ taste the alcohol. Don’t get us wrong, there is nothing wrong with a sweet drink… but quite often we get drunk because we forget we’re consuming alcohol, or because our body is reaching for something else. Have a glass of water: study the menu and take the time to select something you 100% feel like drinking.
Know Your Units.
Do you know your units? A bottle of wine has 10 units and with NHS guidelines suggesting a maximum of 14 units a week, this means that after 1 bottle you’re almost at your recommended limit. (For more unit measurements, check out our Instagram post)
Ask your bartender!
Unsure? Never be afraid to open a conversation with your bartender. Depositors of alcohol have a duty of care to their guests & will be knowledgeable on intimidating subjects like “units”, “low alcohol by volume” or, at the very least, able to check for you! If you receive anything other than positivity when asking about the most delicious non-alcoholic option for you, then that is very much that bartender’s problem and personally, we would “vote with our hard-earned money” and go elsewhere.
Drink slow!
If you’re thirsty, or tend to drink quickly, why not have a pint of water or soft drink alongside your cocktail? Alcoholic drinks tend to have a higher price point, and who wants £8 to disappear in less than 10 minutes?
Drink with food- never on an empty stomach.
I mean, no great night out was also spent hungry, and this is a great way to make sure your body is prepped to function properly and process alcohol.
Drink- or at least incorporate- alternative, low ABV or alcohol-free options.
Check out our recommended products to keep an eye out for on the backbar, plus some delicious recipes; especially our Mindful Laura which uses ingredients and techniques that any bartender, anywhere, should be able to recreate for you!
Know your limit and switch to alcohol-free options when you meet it.
We all know our friends’ tell when they’ve gone from being fully present to… well, a bit drunk. Perhaps you even laugh about them- oh, he’s on ‘turned up to full volume’ again… Learn your own tells and treat yourself as you would a friend. Be kind. Ask if you’re sure you want another one, if you’re feeling ok… Your answers will dictate the best decisions to continue having a great night!
Don’t let peer pressure alter your judgement or decision.
Everyone’s bodies and tolerances are different and also vary from day-to-day. Only your opinions matters: it’s your body that will be dealing with the aftermath, after all!