Fizz Up
A vibrant berry, rhubarb & floral alcohol-free fizz cocktail for delicious, mindful celebrations
Alcohol-free 0.0%ABV
product highlight
Three Spirit Livener* is an invigorating elixir made up of big flavours. This sleek bottled delight is not only full of vibrant berries, bright aromatics and exotic heat; it’s also the perfect primer and pick-me-up for an evening of mindful drinking and throwing shapes on the dance floor!
Recipe & Method
- 50ml | 2oz Three Spirit Livener*
- 25ml | 1oz Grapefruit Juice
- Top up with Something & Nothing Rose & Hibiscus* seltzer
Champagne glass
Rhubarb Ribbon
Using a potato peeler, create a long ribbon from your rhubarb and twirl it into the glass. Measure & pour in your Three Spirit Livener, plus the grapefruit juice. Next top up with your seltzer and give a gentle stir to combine, but not to disturb the bubbles. You can add another curled rhubarb ribbon to the top, et voilà! Enjoy, Healthy Hedonists.
Notes & Favourite Flavours
Three Spirit Livener* has fresh and fiery flavours of watermelon, guava and ginger, accompanied by bitter notes of ginseng and floral green herbs; that combined deliver a lingering dry finish of rich tannins, hibiscus and an exotic heat. It stimulates the palate with schisandra berries and apple cider vinegar, plus energises from the natural caffeine in guayusa, guava leaf and green tea.
Something & Nothing Rose & Hibiscus* is refreshing and botanical, with subtle notes of Hibiscus and Rose. It contains both grape and lemon juice, which give it perfect balance and a full flavour.
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