East London Dry


A light & refreshing alcohol-free cocktail inspired by a classic for all the gin lovers out there!

Alcohol-free 0.0%ABV

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ZEO alcohol free gin cocktail.jpg

Product highlight

ZEO is a non-alcoholic spirit that has been designed by bartenders to replicate the taste and sensation of alcohol, for people who enjoy everything about drinking but sometimes don't want the compromises that come with it. ZEO is made with 9 botanicals and a unique 5 step process to create the exceptional flavour and mouthfeel perfect for your cocktail creations and to socialise without compromise!



- 60ml | 2oz ZEO Botanical Dry
- 20ml | 0.6oz fresh lime juice
- 20ml | 0.6oz honey water
- 3 dashes lemon bitters
- Top up with Coast Tonic Water*



Slice of cucumber & a sprig of rosemary

In a shaker muddle 2 slices of cucumber and a sprig of rosemary then add all of the ingredients in except the tonic water. Give a quick shake and fine strain into a coupette to remove the pieces of cucumber and rosemary, finally top up with tonic water and garnish with a slice of cucumber and a sprig of rosemary . Perfect for an afternoon cocktail or a refreshing evening sipper.


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Home-made Ingredients

Honey Water
Honey water is a great way to balance your cocktail without adding anything nasty or making it too sweet.

  1. Pick a good quality of honey ideally something from your local farmers. Did you know that eating honey that has been made in your area can help with allergies like hay fever as the bees have pollinated flowers you are in contact with?

  2. Equal parts honey and hot water.

  3. Stir until you melt the honey.

  4. Keep the honey water in the fridge (it will last a week or more.)

Notes & Favourite Flavours

ZEO Botanical Dry is crisp, aromatic, and with a similar warmth as alcohol perfect the gin lovers who wants something alcohol free!

Coast Tonic Water* is made using only natural fruit sugars and well below the amount used in similar brands. We love it!

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