Pink Alchemy
A bittersweet spritz bursting with flavours and character and all powered by plants!
Alcohol-free 0.0%ABV
- 25ml | 1oz Three Spirit Social Elixir*
- 10ml | 0.3oz rose honey water
- 25ml | 1oz pink grapefruit juice
- Top up with London Essence Co. Rhubarb & Cardamon soda
Wine Glass
Rhubarb ribbon
Fill a wine glass with ice, add all the ingredients into the glass and give a gentle stir to mix. Garnish with rhubarb if in season, or a slice of grapefruit or rose petal, et voila that’s your Mindful Cocktail ready to be enjoyed!
Raise your glass and say santé!
Home-made Ingredient
Rose Honey-Water:
Honey water is a great way to balance your cocktail without adding anything nasty or making it too sweet.
Pick a good quality of honey ideally something from your local farmers. Did you know that eating honey that has been made in your area can help with allergies like hay fever as the bees have pollinated flowers you are in contact with?!
Combine equal parts honey and organic rose water in a pot on medium heat.
Stir until you melt the honey
Keep the rose honey-water in the fridge (it will last a week)
Notes & Favourite Flavours
Three Spirit Social Elixir* is a plant-based non-alcoholic “social elixir” for happier, healthier nights out. With no less than 12 botanicals- including passion flower, cocoa, coconut vinegar & green tea- the flavour is naturally sweet but with a bite.
London Essence Company make some of the best crafted sodas and tonic water. Have a look at what they do its sooo delicieux!
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