How to: Stay Mindful Throughout the Holiday Season


Top tips from Mindfully Cami

Mindful Cocktail: Crème De La Crème

The holiday season is here and according to every Christmas song playing on the radio, it’s the most wonderful time of the year!

And I truly hope that it is for everyone, although I know that it’s the season of overindulgence: of less moving & even less time outside and back-to-back social gatherings- most of them involving drinking; a season that can be a little challenging and even triggering for some of us.

So how can we stay mindful throughout this period while not feeling disconnected or like we are missing out on the fun? Because let’s face it for us Mindful Drinkers, December can feel overwhelming and like a quagmire of social events to “get through” with a lack of options and the same question being asked…

“You’re not drinking?”

But let’s not kill the joy here as it truly can be a wonderful time of the year and deciding to be mindful throughout it shouldn’t ruin the celebration nor affect it negatively, but rather enhance it all. As this is a time to reconnect with ourselves, with friends and family, to reflect on the year, to be thankful for what we have & carve space in those last moments of the year for some self-care & time with the people and things we love.

Here’s my guide for you all Healthy Hedonists, to truly enjoy the holiday season this year in a mindful way.

1) Tasty Doesn’t Have to Be Boozy 

cocktail xmas cbd sparkling wine

Mindful Cocktail: Lemon Spark

The holiday season is all about delicious things & it’s hard not to feel put-out when comparing your warm juice to a coupe of bubbly…

Thankfully we now know that tasty doesn’t have to be boozy if you don’t want it to be! With the rise of no and low alcoholic products you now have a large range of delicious options that will feel as grown up and sophisticated as your usual suspects. Plus La Maison Wellness will become your best friend when it comes to Mindful Cocktail inspiration. We’ve got plenty of recipes for this holiday season and trust us you’re not going to miss out on anything!

Check out the bottom of this article, our La Maison Wellness YouTube or for lots of festive recipes which will have others looking at your glass with envy!

2) Say Oui to Celebration!

I bet what separates your greatest nights out from the not so great ones was not the alcohol but your mental attitude… Whether you felt great with that one glass of wine, or self- conscious & reaching for 3 more. Turn “not drinking” or moderating on its head & say “oui” to fun times & delicious mindful cocktails with less hangovers & no regret! Because YES you can celebrate and have fun without drinking alcohol. Rather than thinking it’s less of…it's actually MORE of:

More time feeling good
More time for great conversation
More time for tasty cocktails
More times for epic nights and early mornings!


3) New You, Still You

You’ve decided to cut down drinking and you’re worried about how your friends and family might react?

Our closest friends and our family can be challenging at times, as often they have  known us through the different stages of our life and it can be difficult sometimes to change and be accepted in the changes that we make.

Remember that positive changes you make for yourself are important and your dear ones will understand, support and maybe even join you on some positive ways of living!


4) Moderation

The word here is key. Not one extreme then another…Life is all about balance and that’s the definition of living like a healthy hedonist.

At La Maison Wellness we are all about empowerment: about imbibing what makes us feel good & for the right reasons. We aren’t saying go sober, we are saying do what works for you! That might be going sober for a while or it might be moderating most of the time.

We believe in the balance of everything in moderation!

 5) You’re the Driver

There is no wagon… you’re the driver and you are in charge! So no falling off the wagon this season, but living mindfully and celebrating in a way that makes you feel good. It might look like chocolate & champagne one day & a long walk followed by delicious non-alcoholic mindful cocktails the day after...  

There is no one size fits all, no ultimate answer just loads of different options for you to pick and paint your life the way you want!


Happy holiday season everyone!

May it be a joyful & deliciously mindful one.

Camille Vidal