Wild Bouquet
A low alcohol gin sour Mindful Cocktail with beautiful botanicals like a wild bouquet!
Low Alcohol 7%ABV
- 25ml | 1oz Chase Pink Grapefruit & Pomelo Gin*
- 15ml | 0.5oz pink grapefruit juice
- 10ml | 0.3oz lemon juice
- 10ml | 0.3oz honey water
- Top up with Tame & Wild Damson & Rosehip
Rosemary & grapefruit slice
Combine all of the ingredients into your shaker except the Tame & Wild Sparkling drink. Give a good shake and strain into a coupette . Top up with Tame & Wild Damson & Rosehip and garnish with a beautiful slice of pink grapefruit and some rosemary . Et voila it’s ready for you to enjoy!
Home-made Ingredient
Honey Water:
Honey water is a great way to balance your cocktail without adding anything nasty or making it too sweet.
Pick a good quality of honey ideally something from your local famers. Did you know that eating honey that has been made in your area can help with allergies like hay fever as the bees have pollinated flowers you are in contact with?
Equal parts honey and hot water.
Stir until you melt the honey.
Keep the honey water in the fridge (it will last a week or more.)
Notes & Favourite Flavours
Tame & Wild is a beautiful range of sophisticated and natural sparkling drinks made in the heart of Yorkshire. Blending english fruits and botanicals together they have 4 different expressions and they are all delightful. Great mixed in a cocktail like this Wild Bouquet or our Purple Queen but also delicious chilled on its own. A beautiful addition to the No & Low category.
Chase is an award-winning spirits company that makes delicious and natural vodkas & gins with care and consciousness, they are a family business and farmers at heart: passionate about sharing what goes into the making from field to bottle
Chase Pink Grapefruit & Pomelo Gin* is a zippy and zesty gin, bursting with grapefruit freshness, juniper and lime. It mixes perfectly with lots of ice, a premium tonic and garnished with a wedge of pink grapefruit or in a mindful cocktail like this Wild Bouquet full of flavour and low abv.
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